LT+P 2024

  • When + where?

    LT+P 2024 will run for about 5-6 hours in total! We'll be gathering at Langham Place (southbound) outside the BBC from 1:00pm on Saturday 27th July 2024. The march will depart around 2:00pm, and end in the green around Wellington Arch around 4pm. Speeches from community members and organisations will take place from 4:30pm - 6:00pm.

  • Running order

    • 1:00pm Gather at Langham Place (southbound) outside the BBC
    • 2:00pm March departs
    • 4:00pm March arrives at Wellington Arch
    • 4:30pm Community speeches in the park
    • 6:00pm LT+P 2024 ends

  • What to bring?

    • Signs, banners & flags
    • Face masks or face coverings
    • Flowers
    • A friend - safety in numbers!
    • Comfortable footwear
    • Sunglasses
    • Sunscreen
    • Water or a bottle*
    • Snacks
    • Earplugs*
    • Any essential meds, inhalers etc.
    • Change, if possible - some public toilets are pay-to-use ~20-50p

    * We can also provide these items on request.

    Please note: A trash and recycling pickup team will begin cleaning up Wellington Arch green from 6:00pm. They've generously volunteered their labour and time to do this necessary work, so please remember to take your trash with you, or give them a hand where possible if you're feeling up to it!

  • Stewards

    This year's march is supported by roughly 500 trained volunteer Stewards who will be spread along every few metres of the march to protect attendees and assist wherever they can. You can identify them by their purple high-vis vests. Need something? Ask a steward. If they can't help you personally, they should be able to direct you to a team member, medic, or welfare officer who can.

  • Medics

    In addition to general purpose stewards, a team of stewards with first-aid and medic experience will also be on call throughout the march and speeches to assist with any health-related issues, injuries, etc. As always: know your limits, take breaks as needed, and plan ahead. There will also be onsite first aid response provided by Elite Medical.

  • Welfare

    Rounding out our stewarding and wellness teams will be an all-queer team of Welfare officers/staff, courtesy of queer and trans-run organisation Safe Only Ltd. Safe Only's staff will be able to provide more specific and person-focused welfare assistance and harm-reduction. They may be able to help you where a normal steward or medic can't. Having a hard time or overwhelmed? Look for the fluorescent pink/orange high-vis, or ask a steward to direct you to a welfare officer. Safe Only will also be providing security staff.


    • Queerphobia
    • Body shaming
    • Classism
    • Xenophobia
    • Racism
    • Harassment
    • Whorephobia
    • Ableism

  • March Safety

    Face masks + Health

    We still strongly encourage people to wear FFP2 face masks. Bandanas and scarves can work in a pinch. This also helps to protect your identity. We've been asked to make the room for a fully masked section of the march, and are happy to support this. Find this zone near the front of the march - we'll have signage to identify where to gather. Stay home if you feel you could be ill or have any flu or cold-like symptoms.


    Legal Observers will be present as a standard protest safety measure and to intervene between attendees and law enforcement if needed. In light of physical attacks on other pride events we're keeping a close eye on any potential disturbances from the far right, counter-protesters or transphobes. Our teams will have been briefed on emergency preparedness in the event of such an incident. We're hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. We encourage you to do the same.


    We anticipate some police presence at London Trans+ Pride 2024. We have reason to believe that it will be minimal and hands-off, and that they will prioritise their responsibilities of managing road closures and facilitating traffic safety on the day. Police generally stay close to the very back of the march. If you'd prefer not to have to see or interact with them, we'd suggest avoiding this area.

  • Tips

    Be mindful of the space

    Be respectful of personal space, identity, ability, and boundaries at all times. Don't touch or record anyone without consent. Try not to obstruct the way for our disabled comrades.

    Keep yourself safe

    Take care of your own safety and defend that of those around you. Stay aware of your surroundings, have an exit plan, and watch out for the people around you.

    Safety in numbers

    We can't stress this enough: DO NOT ATTEND ALONE if you can avoid it. Buddy up or come in a group. Make sure you know how to get home. Make sure someone knows where you are and when you're expected to arrive and leave.

    Stay hydrated

    Marches are physically demanding. Know your limits. We'll have a few stop-off points and a hydration station at Wellington Arch giving out free water as needed.

    Leave disrespect at home

    LT+P has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment or abuse.

  • Accessibility

    We will continue adding more information on accessibility for the day of LT+P 2024 here, as well as sharing it on our socials. You can also email us access-specific questions at [email protected]

    We're working to make getting in touch with us re: accessibility concerns and information much quicker and simpler. You can now join our LT+P Access Hub group on the free Signal app for a direct line to our dedicated Access Team Leads! The channel will also share access info and updates, answer any enquiries, and be available on the day of the march for live access updates and comms.

    We'll be putting out all the key info for London Trans+ Pride 2024 this month here and on our socials, but you'll be able to find more detailed information on access in this group, as well as in the Access Newsletter we'll be releasing via email.

    Confirm your interest by emailing [email protected] to sign up to the LT+P Access Newsletter!

    Join the Access Hub here:

    Full accessibility information is available HERE

  • Maps

    Meeting point

    This map shows the meeting point for London Trans+ Pride 2024. The map is in black and white, with yellow highlighting important locations and route.  The accessibility meeting point for the start of the march is marked with a yellow flag and is located in front of the All Souls Langham Place church. The assembly point for the rest of the march is marked with a transparent yellow, throughout Langham Place towards the BBC. The map shows the direction of the march with yellow dots, heading south from Langham Place, down Regents St.

    We will be meeting at 1pm on July 27th 2024, at Langham Place. The access meeting point will be in front of the All Souls Langham Place church. There is improvised seating in this area. The rest of the march will assemble behind the access block, towards the BBC building. The march will depart at 2pm, southward.


    This map shows the full route of the march. The map is in black and white, with yellow dots highlighting the route, stop-off points, and WC locations. There are three yellow flags marking the start of the march at Langham Place and stop-off points, and a yellow star marking the end of the march at Wellington Arch. From Langham Place, the march will lead down Regents St, with the first stop-off point in front of Burberry. This stop is outdoor, stepped, adjacent to an underground station, and there will be improvised seating available. The march will then turn onto Piccadilly and continue straight to the second stop off point at the Statue of Diana at Green Park. This stop-off point is outdoors in a green space, and there are benches and improvised sitting space is available. It is also adjacent to a small park cafe and across the street from a Tesco and an M&S. Next, the march will continue on Picadilly, all the way to Wellington Arch.
    • Start: Langham Place

      • Stop-off Point 1: Regent St @ Piccadilly Circus

      • We'll be pausing about halfway down Regent's Street, roughly between the Burberry and Zara stores. Outdoor, stepped, improvised seating available, adjacent to underground station.

      • Stop-off Point 2: Statue of Diana @ Green Park

      • Outdoor, green space, benches and improvised sitting space available, adjacent to small park cafe, across the street from a Tesco and and M&S.

    • Speeches and end of march: Wellington Arch

    Wellington Arch

    This map shows the final point of the march at Wellington Arch green. The map is in colour and shows an aerial view of Wellington Arch, with yellow, slightly transparent shapes highlighting important areas and yellow flags marking points of importance. The march will be arriving at the south-east corner of the square. The loud area is located in the corner, where Piccadilly ends. Right above it, towards the arch, is the main seating area. In front of that, towards the arch, is the access slope, for people who use BSL and/or have access needs but are happy to sit on a grassy slope. In front of that is the access area, which is located right in front of the arch. There is a yellow flag on the right side of this area, marking the location of the stage. The BSL interpreters will be stationed on the left side of the stage. Behind the arch, at the intersection of Grosvenor Place and Grosvenor Crescent, is the chill and family friendly area. To the right, in front of the Royal Artillery Memorial, a yellow flag marks accessible toilets and the first aid station, as well as an ambulance, and service dog refreshment area. On the east side of the square, in front of the Statue of the Duke of Wellington, a yellow flag marks the hydration station and the meeting point for people who have been separated.
    • Stage (Wellington Arch) with BSL interpreters on the left side
    • Hydration station and meeting point (Statue of Duke of Wellington) for people who have been separated
    • Accessible toilets and first aid (Royal Artillery Memorial), and ambulance and guide dog refreshment area
    • Chill and family friendly area for hanging out, not listening to speeches (no amplification)
    • Loud area, for listening to speeches and chatting / party vibe
    • Access area, for people who use wheelchairs / mobility aids
    • Access slope, for people who use BSL and / or have access needs but are happy to sit on grassy slope


    Near Langham Place

    • John Lewis, Oxford Street ~400m - Around the corner from the meeting point, and across the street from Cavendish Square Gardens. Accessible toilets facilities on Levels 1-5. The building also has three cafés/eateries (Levels 1, 2, 4, 5).
    • Paddington Street Public Toilets ~950m - Wheelchair access, baby-changing facilities. Free of charge.
    • Carnaby St Public Toilets ~600m - Underground, no elevator, only accessible through a staircase. 50p to use.
    • Pizzeria Mozza ~80m - Wheelchair access. Free of charge.
    • FORA Henry Wood House ~150m - Wheelchair access. Free of charge.
    • Underbelly Festival Cavendish Square ~400m - Wheelchair access. Free of charge.
    • MEATLiquor Bar & Restaurant Oxford Circus ~260m - Wheelchair access. Free of charge.

    On March Route

    • Hard Rock Café, Piccadilly Circus - Wheelchair accessible. No cost.
    • Waterstones Piccadilly - Two accessible toilets, biggest is on 5th floor cafe, elevator available, seating available.
    • All Bar One New Oxford Street - Wheelchair access. Free of charge.
    • Microsoft Experience Centre - Wheelchair access. Free of charge.

    Near Wellington Arch

    • Wellington Arch Portable Toilets - Two accessible toilets provided by AccessoLoo! Please prioritise use for those who most need them, and if you can, use the Hyde Park Bandstand Public Toilets or other nearby facilities if you can manage the short walk!
    • Hard Rock Café, Old Park Lane ~400m - Wheelchair accessible. No cost.
    • Green Park Public Toilets ~750m - Inside Green Park underground station, down the steps and left. 50p to use, no change given.
    • Hyde Park Bandstand Public Toilets ~750m - Inside the main, larger part of Hyde Park along Serpentine Road on the left-hand side. Has free baby-changing & accessible facilities. 20p to use standard toilet facilities.


    Wellington Arch is much further away from toilet facilities than the start point and main body of the march, and there will only be two toilets on site.

    As these accessible facilities will be prioritised for disabled people and others who most essentially need them, we highly encourage you to plan scheduled bathroom breaks and familiarise yourself with the route to your closest facilities!

    If you have a Radar Key, do bring it with you, just in case!