• How long will the event take?

    LT+P 2024 will run for about 5-6 hours in total! We'll be gathering at Langham Place (southbound) outside the BBC from 1:00pm on Saturday 27th July 2024. The march will depart around 2:00pm, and end in the green around Wellington Arch around 4pm. Speeches from community members and organisations will take place from 4:30pm - 6:00pm.

    Attendees are welcome to join or leave at any point throughout the day!

  • Is London Trans+ Pride a free event? Do I need a ticket?

    London Trans+ Pride is a free event! The first half of the event is a protest march through the streets of central London; the second static half will consist of speeches from community members and organisations in a public space (Wellington Arch green).

  • Is the event accessible?

    We know that there can be no Trans+ Pride anywhere without Disabled Trans+ Pride. We're continually working on making London Trans+ Pride more and more accessible every year. This is work that we are committed to in the long term, and it will never be “done”. Information on accessibility for the day can be found here.

  • Is there an age limit or minimum on who can attend?

    There is no age limit on who London Trans+ Pride is for - everyone is welcome to join! As with any protest, we highly encourage anyone of any age planning to attend to do so in groups for their general protection, but if you're 18 or under, we can't stress enough how important it is that you DON'T come alone.

  • I'm not trans, nonbinary, intersex or GNC - can I still take part?

    YES! Allies are welcome - we need your presence. Definitely attend, but we'd ask you to do so with sensitivity. Be aware that this is a protest centering the fight for Trans+ rights, be cautious of the space you take up and be mindful of the way you interact with other people.

    If you'd like to donate your time and get more directly involved as an ally, you can sign up to be a volunteer steward here!

  • Can I have a stall at the event?

    London Trans+ Pride's current format doesn't allow for us to offer space for any stalls.

  • I'm a part of a community group / corporation / political party...can we have a spot in the march?

    If you're a part of a community group and your organisation is keen to show support at LT+P 2024, you're more than welcome to have a presence at the march! We only ask that you get in touch to clear it with us! Please reach out to us via our Google Form to do so, or to contact us with questions about banners, blocs, or other group logistics. We DO NOT welcome any corporate groups or political parties with a branded presence.

  • I've noticed there's a significant SWP presence at your past events (flyers, booths, etc.)... Do you work with them?

    No. We have continually asked SWP to not attend our events and are reiterating to them this year to make it clear that we have zero interest in any SWP presence at this year's event. Don't take their flyers or signs, they have nothing to do with us.

  • Will there be bathrooms/food/water?

    There will be two accessible toilets at Wellington Arch that will be prioritised for those who need them. For all other attendees, locations of nearby toilets will be posted in advance, as well as listed on a map.

    We're also currently working on a list of friendly businesses along the march route that will have toilets (accessible and otherwise) available for attendees to use. This list will be posted in our Signal access group, as well as in the LT+P 2024 info tab here. Lists of toilets in the area can also be found on:

    There will be a hydration station and small snack stall at Wellington Arch, but we HIGHLY recommend bringing food with you or picking something up along the way at one of the many places available before we reach Wellington Arch.

  • How can I get involved with London Trans+ Pride?

    If you're able to, we appreciate any and all donations, which can be made here.

    If you're interested in volunteering your time on the day of the march, you can sign up to be a steward, first aider, or Legal Observer here.

  • Am I allowed to film/take photos?

    You are welcome to take photos and videos for personal use, but always make sure that people around you are comfortable with being on camera.

    If you would like to shoot professional footage, you'll need to reach out to us at [email protected] for approval.

    Journalists/photographers/videographers who are being disruptive or invasive to attendees or volunteers may be asked to leave and/or reported to security and stewards for creating a disturbance.

  • Will there be police presence?

    Due to the sheer size of the event (20,000 - 30,000+) and its highly visible, highly public nature, there will be some police presence on the day. This is purely for crowd safety purposes. Their role is largely to manage crowd flow and road closures, as well as ensure that there are no collisions or planned interceptions/attacks by counter-protestors.

    We're very aware of the majority of our community's feelings on police at pride, and this decision is not one we make lightly. Ultimately, the safety of our attendees and our community is our number one priority. Our relatively small teams of volunteers and crew simply would not be able to facilitate these logistics as effectively by ourselves due to the human-power and access to resources required. That said, LT+P has no greater relationship than this working one with the police, and has no interest in otherwise justifying their presence at a pride event. We don't expect that attendees will have to worry about things like kettling, but it always pays to be cautious.