About Us

London Trans+ Pride (LTP) is a grassroots trans-led community organisation, operating as a collective of volunteers for and with the trans+ community in the UK. We are responsible for organising the annual London Trans+ Pride march since 2018. Our most recent march in 2023 gathered more than 35,000 people marching in support of trans+, non-binary, gender non-conforming and intersex lives and made LTP the largest trans-focused annual gathering in the UK. At its core, the London Trans+ Pride march is a protest. We are calling for equity via positive legislative change and radical improvement to our education and public healthcare system to recognise and support the needs of trans+ people as much as those of anyone else living in the UK.

Since 2018, we have also hosted trans-inclusion workshops for some of our corporate donors. In light of the limited, exclusionary and often negative framing of trans+ lives in UK mainstream media, we attempt to provide a platform for trans+ voices to be heard and seen as much as possible. Besides our march, some of the ways we have achieved this so far have been through our combined social media reach of over 50,000 people, which we use to amplify different trans+ collectives, organisations and individuals; community-led research projects as a means of gathering our own data; and using existing platforms, such as Glastonbury Festival where we have an annual space, to host workshops, talk to members of the public and celebrate some of the best trans+ performers and creatives from London's nightlife scene.

In 2022 we were honoured to receive the Gay Times Future Fighter Award, which we accepted on behalf of the wider trans+ community. We see this award as a reminder that our LGBTQ+ community cannot be divided despite growing attempts from so called 'gender-critical' organisations here in the UK.

Leading up to our fifth year as LTP organisers, we want to use this momentum to expand the scope of our work in our attempts to counter the rising hostility towards trans+ people in the UK today. We plan to do this through further developing our anti-oppression and trans-inclusive training programme, enhancing our community infrastructure provisions, amplifying our campaigning and research capabilities, as well as collaborating with partners around strategic litigation.

How we work

Over the past five years our core group has shifted and grown to a team of 12+ volunteers. Our core team is entirely trans+, working on a volunteering basis from home, meeting 1-2 times per week in person or over Zoom. We each take initiative and responsibility for one key area (community, liaison, events, press, marketing & comms, finance) which we work on collectively with any other team member that is available and keen to help out. We collectively share responsibilities for organisational development and strategy.

Our governance structure is based on sociocracy (consent of all), while more day-to-day operational decisions in need of quick progress are decided democratically (majority vote).

Any donations and crowdsourced funding thus far have exclusively been used to cover operational expenses (excl. staff hours), march organisation and delivery. Exemplary expenses are: speaker fees, producing graphic and campaign material, water supply for the march, hiring AV equipment for the march, transportation of equipment and venue hire.